Loss Control

Our dedicated Loss Control team is here to empower your workforce and safeguard your future.

A member of a dedicated Loss Control team

Prioritize Safety, Protect Your Bottom Line: Keenan Loss Control Solutions

Investing in employee safety doesn't just improve morale, it's smart business. A strong safety culture leads to fewer injuries, lower claims, and ultimately, a thriving Risk Management program. Keenan's dedicated Loss Control team is here to empower your workforce and safeguard your future.

Meet the Experts:

  • Over 40 experienced consultants and project coordinators across the state deliver comprehensive expertise in environmental and Cal/OSHA regulations.
  • Customized solutions: We assess your unique needs and tailor programs to fit your agency's size, industry, and specific challenges.
  • Diversity of skills: Our team boasts a wealth of experience and talent, ensuring you get the right solution for every risk.

Beyond Compliance, Building Resilience:

  • Loss Control specialists: Analyze risks, develop controls, and recommend improvements to minimize claim frequency and severity.
  • Employee training: From basic safety practices to emergency preparedness programs like IMReady, we equip your team with the knowledge and skills to stay safe.
  • Integrated approach: Seamless collaboration with Keenan's claims administration services ensures continuity and maximizes cost savings.

Investing in Keenan Loss Control is an investment in your future. By prioritizing safety, you create a more positive work environment, boost employee morale, and ultimately protect your bottom line.

Ready to build a stronger safety culture and a more resilient organization?

Contact Keenan Loss Control today for a free consultation and discover how we can customize a solution for your agency.

Don't wait until an incident occurs. Proactive safety measures are always the best investment.

Eric Preston
Vice President, Loss Control Services

Meet Our Subject Matter Experts

Eric Preston's areas of expertise include Risk Management Programs for Schools, Municipalities and Joint Powers Authorities

Learn More About Our Experts